I am proud of another Leadership Vancouver Island program coming to completion. I am honoured to be a part of the participants leadership journey since September. I am sharing one piece with you today; the community leadership project from the team I coached: Toolbox for Change: A Local Perspective on Indigenous Culture.
Toolbox for Change
They created a cultural kit toolbox of awareness containing literature to welcome you into the world of local Indigenous culture. Pick a book and take a journey through Indigenous eyes. In the artwork created for the Toolbox for Change boxes, each animal represents the attributes and tools needed within the community as a whole to affect change and offer tools necessary for education.
As their coach, I facilitated a team coaching session near the beginning of their project work together. We did a Tri Position Planning exercise where they got clear on the vision of what they wanted to create then aligned their vision with a strategic plan with clear next steps to bring it to fruition.
When I spoke with one of the team members at graduation, I asked to what extent the Tri Position Planning exercise influenced their project. It was pivotal. The power and empowerment of coaching; in a 1.5 hour team coaching session they envisioned their end product, what it would mean for them and their community sponsor and, came up with a plan to bring to their sponsor.
If you are interested in learning more about the local Indigenous community or to sign out the Toolbox for Change for your business contact Chris Beaton at the Nanaimo Aboriginal Centre at 250.754.3215 or info@nanaimoaboriginalcentre.ca
To learn more about Leadership Vancouver Island go to http://leadershipvi.com/